Barry Plopper and the Chamber Pot of Secrets


Barry Plopper and the Chamber Pot of Secrets

“It’s a new term at Bogwarts, and Barry Plopper is just settling in. He has met some nice friends - his besties Hermoany Ranger and Jon Measley are great fun - and his head of house, Professor McGoodygal, is showing him just what an incredible wizard he could become. But the snarky Professor Snip seems to have it in for him - and there is an ancient evil brewing. Could it be that someone has found the ancient vessel that the legends tell of: The Chamber Pot of Secrets? And is it true that She-Who’s-Name-We-Have-Trouble-Pronouncing has returned to claim it and unleash the unimaginable horrors it contains? How can a new wizard like Barry possibly defeat the wicked Moldywart?” Written by and starring Simon Aylin, Barry Plopper returns for a limited time after it’s blockbuster run at The STAHL Theatre in 2019.

At The STAHL Theatre

8th April at 7pm 

9th April at 2pm

£16.50 Adults, £14.50 Concessions, Family Ticket £45